Summer Reading Challenge

!!!Spoiler Warning!!! If you haven’t read any of these books yet, I give away some key spoilers!

on Goodreads


There is a wonderful Reading Challenge this year on Goodreads, written by the wonderfully creative Lori Hettler. I’m going to be following it as closely as I possibly can, however I’ll probably be interpreting some of the briefs very loosely, so I’ll make sure to add some notes about how they fit!

I’ll keep this blog updated with how I’m doing through the summer months and hopefully I can keep up with the Challenge (it’s a particularly tough one)! I’ll let you know if I’m having any trouble meeting the counts.

If you have suggestions or questions for me, feel free to contact me using the form below or on Goodreads.

June Reads  tick

Take PrideRead a book written by an LGBTQIA author or that features a LGBTQIA character.

They Both They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera


This is a wonderful little book. It’s easy to read and beautifully written. If you can handle having your heart broken, I totally recommend it. Mateo and Rufus are wonderful characters. My Review Page Count: 384

How it fits the brief: Mateo and Rufus fall breathtakingly in love with each other. It was beautiful!

Into the Great Wide OpenRead a book that takes place out in the great wide open.

Dune Dune by Frank Herbert


This is a long book, but it’s a fantastic adventure. You legitimately look at water in a completely different way after reading this. The world building is in a class of its own and I can’t believe it took me this long to get around to reading it. My Review Page Count: 577

How it fits the brief: You really can’t get much more ‘wide open’ than an endless sprawling desert, can you?

It’s the End of the World: Read a book about the end of the world as we know it.

Blackout Blackout by Ryan Casey

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I really didn’t enjoy this one. It’s a book filled with cliches and overdone ideas. Some of the things in this book are so unbelievable that it drags you right out of the story. The characters were all flat. My Review Page Count: 238

How it fits the brief: A series of EMPs wipe out all technology and plunge the world into an apocalyptic dark age.

School’s Out for Summer: Reread a book you were forced to read in school.

Midsummer A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare


Without a doubt, this is still my favourite Shakespeare story. The jokes are funny, the poems are fancy, the imagery is fun and lively, and the story itself is twisty and exciting to read. Bottom is just a fantastic character! My Review Page Count: 126

How it fits the brief: This was part of the curriculum when I was at school. It counted for our exams, in which I, of course, secured my A.

Sick Day: Read a book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t.

Dazzle Dazzle by John Gardiner

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This is a play that reads like a spoof of Star Trek. Very racist and sexist, but if you can take it all in the humor with which it was written, there’s a great little funny story here. It’s a jolly, fun, feel-good, little play, though. My Review Page Count: 76

How it fits the brief: This was a tough one. I read everything I was supposed to at school. Eventually, I settled on Dazzle because I once acted a part in it. Obviously, I learned my lines, but didn’t bother with reading the rest of the script. It’s the only thing I could think of which I didn’t read all the way through. It took me some finding, too, because it’s out of print!

Hook ‘Em: Read a book that features fishing or fishermen.

Storm The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger

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Incredibly disappointing. It’s less a biography about the six men who died in this so called ‘perfect storm’, and more a complete litany on the ins and outs of swordfishing and fishing boats. My Review Page Count: 252

How it fits the brief: Well, if nothing else, I am now an expert in swordfishing. It’s got enough fishermen in this book to feed an army.

Sports-a-holic: Read a book that features a popular summer sport.

Tom The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King


One of Stephen King’s best books in my humble opinion, and it feel it only fair to warn you that I’m a huge King fan! This is my third time reading this one, and it’s still as good and suspenseful as the first time. My Review Page Count: 292

How it fits the brief: Baseball is a huge part of this story, and while we never actually get to play a game, or even watch one, the language is full of baseball references and terminology. Baseball is a summer game, right? I know nothing about sports…

Dear Pen Pal: Read a book that features letters or journal entries.

Verity Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein


This book is the reason I’m doing this challenge. This is not the sort of book that I would ordinarily pick up. I’m not adverse to war, but it’s not my usual cup of tea. Left to my own devices I would never have given it a second look. I’m so, so glad I did read it, though. This is a masterpiece! My Review Page Count: 464

How it fits the brief: This book is written first in the form of a confession by Verity, then in journal entries by her friend Maddie.

Father Knows Best: Read a book that features a father.

Teddy Dear Teddy by J.D. Stockholm

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A tale of dreadful abuse told through the eyes of a five year old child. I’ll never understand how some monsters can perpetrate such horrific crimes. I’ve read a few of these sorts of books, and this is among the worst abuse I’ve encountered. My Review Page Count: 236

How it fits the brief: This book very much features a father. He’s a horrid, abusive man and certainly can’t be described as ‘Father Knows Best’, but nevertheless he was present in the book.

Campfire Story: Read a book that scares the bejesus out of you.

Ashburn The Haunting of Ashburn House by Darcy Coates

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This was a real old-times horror story. It had some truly sinister and creepy moments and overall I enjoyed reading it. It was a little obvious and predictable, but in the world of horror, aren’t they all? My Review Page Count: 246

How it fits the brief: I’ve got to admit there were parts of this book that actually made my black heart flutter a little. Kudos to the author, I’m usually a tougher nut to crack!

Ocean Blue: Read a book that takes place on the water.

Crossing A Dangerous Crossing by Rachel Rhys


This was a marvelous book that relies heavily on its characters. There’s very little action until the very end of the book, but it has one of those ‘Oh!’ moments when everything is revealed that sort of makes you want to go back and read it again with fresh understanding. My Review Page Count: 364

How it fits the brief: The vast majority of this story takes place on the sea in a trip from England to Australia. There are a few brief forays onto land, but most of it is set on the inescapable ship.

Monthly Page Count Total :     3255

July Reads  tick

Get Your Grill On: Read a book that features summer recipes or outdoor summer activities.

Dinner WTF Should I Make For Dinner? by Zach Golden


I have no idea if any of the recipes in this book are any good. I’m probably never going to use it, but the step-by-step instructions are hilarious. I cannot praise this book enough, it had me literally crying with laughter. My Review Page Count: 100

How it fits the brief: If watermelon and feta cheese salad isn’t a summer recipe, I don’t know what it. This has 50 recipes, some of them must qualify as ‘summer’, right?

Backyard BBQ: Read a book that features a family reuniting or hanging out for the summer.

Family Family Reunion by P. Mark DeBryan

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I didn’t like this one at all. The writing style was terrible and there were several things I just couldn’t get over. I did like the fact that zombies were mentioned, though. It’s rare to see a book where they exist in-universe. My Review Page Count: 336

How it fits the brief: An end of the world type scenario where a whole family are trying to get together and meet up for a reunion. Also, it’s set in the height of summer—bonus!

Forefathers: Read a book about your country’s independence.

Boudica Dreaming the Eagle by Manda Scott


What an amazing book. I wasn’t really looking forward to this one, I thought it would be too historical with a minimum of character development. How wrong I was. This is character based book of epic proportions. I loved every second. My Review Page Count: 722

How it fits the brief: It doesn’t. No point sugar-coating it. I live in England, which has never gained independence. We’re part of the UK. But, it’s mainly because most independent countries are gaining it from England in the first place. Instead, I chose to read a book based on the history of an English heroine — Boudica.

The Colors of Summer: Read a book that features a yellow, green or sandy cover.

Back Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris

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Well, it was a very predictable story, but it was still pretty good. I enjoyed the early build up, but by half way through I knew exactly what was coming and was proven right in everything. I hated all the characters, too. They were all just awful. My Review Page Count: 336

How if fits the brief: Just in case you’re color-blind, that is a bright yellow cover, right there.

Red, White, and Blue: Read a book that has the words red, white or blue in the title.

Red.png Red Sparrow by Jason Matthews

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This was my first full length espionage book. I’m glad I read it. It threw me in at the deep end, but I soon got used to all the terminology. It was a little predictable, but it seemed more character based. I loved Dominika, and Matorin made a five star villain! My Review Page Count: 448

How it fits the brief: Well, if you can’t read that big RED on the front cover, there really is no hope for you…

Funny Bone: Read a humorous book.

Odd Oddjobs by Heide Goody & Iain Grant

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This was a hit and miss book for me. Sometimes, it had me actually laughing out loud, but other times I was left thinking it was all a waste of time. My Review Page Count: 296

How it fits the brief: This was filled with humor, most of it extremely dark, but there were some genuinely funny moments.

Embrace Your Inner Geek: Read a book about Geek culture.

Armada.png Armada by Ernest Cline

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I really enjoyed this book! I spend a lot of time playing video games so it appealed to me easily. The story was a decent one, with only a few flaws. It was really fun to find all the references in it. My Review Page Count: 384

How it fits the brief: Is there anything more geeky than video games and films about aliens? This book is a plethora of them all. I’m a proud geek.

Sun, Moon, and Stars: Read a book that takes place in outer space.

Girl The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James


This was a brilliant book and I’d recommend it to absolutely everyone. It’s got some super creepy bits in it and a wonderful finale. I honestly enjoyed every second. My Review Page Count: 304

How it fits the brief: The entire book is set on a spaceship (or two) in deep space en route to a different habitable planet.

I Feel a Breeze: Read a book that takes place at a nudist colony or features nudists.

Volunteer.png The Volunteer by D.H. Jonathan

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This wasn’t really my cup of tea. I expected something more based on the sociological aspects of being naked, like the synopsis suggests, but I ended up with a story that read like YA, but was basically pornography. My Review Page Count: 223

How it fits the brief: Dani was nude throughout the book. She inspired other people to be nude, too. Nudists.

Beach Bum: Read a book that could be considered a “beach read”.

Jeeves My Man Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

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A nice humorous, short book. It’s a little dated, but the characters are easy to understand. The language is very old-fashioned, and very, very British. My Review Page Count: 114

How it fits the brief: Goodreads was good enough to post an article on how to define a “beach read”. I simply picked a book from their chosen list.

Sand Between My Toes: Read a book that takes place in or around a beach/ocean.

10.png The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

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I really enjoyed reading this one. It’s a thriller/mystery and, unlike most of these sort of books, it really kept me guessing to the end. I didn’t like the main character, but I was still rooting for her to come out alive! My Review Page Count: 352

How it fits the brief: This one is set on a luxury cruise liner going from England to Norway. The vast majority of the book takes place on the ocean.

Monthly Page Count Total :     3615

August Reads tick

Let’s Get It On: Read a book that features falling in or out of love.

Raven.png The Raven Boys by Maggic Stiefvater

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I really enjoyed this one and will definitely be reading the rest of the series when I find some free time. At first it sounds like your typical rich boy/poor girl story, but it’s so much more that that. There’s so much depth. My Review Page Count: 468

How it fits the brief: The romance in this book is between Blue and Adam, but it’s more about Blue slowly coming to realize that she’s in love with Gansey. It’s complicated, but definitely about love.

It’s 12 o’clock Somewhere: Read a book that takes place in a bar or heavily features drinks/drinking.

Winter.png The Final Winter by Iain Rob Wright

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This one was very preachy for me. There were some good horror images, but overall I think the book spent too much time condemning humans for their sins. My Review Page Count: 253

How it fits the brief: Okay, I was really pleased with this one! The bar is the base of operations for the entire book. They only venture out a short way and then return. I couldn’t have hit this nail more on the head.

Stranded: Read a book which takes place on an island or in which the characters find themselves stranded.

Ends Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean

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This is a really interesting book. I enjoyed being immersed in the folklore and legends of these bird catchers as they were trying to survive on the Stac. It reminded me of Lord of the Flies, except it’s based on a true story. My Review Page Count: 222

How it fits the brief: The men and boys in this book are left to fend for themselves after the boat supposed to pick them up doesn’t return. They are stranded on the Stac for months.

One and Done: Read a book you can finish in one day.

Lord The Assassin and the Pirate Lord by Sarah J. Maas

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I really enjoyed this short story of high fantasy. It’s only a small book, but the story is beautifully fulfilling. I got a real sense of what the rest of the series is going to be like and I’ll definitely be reading the rest of the books. My Review Page Count: 70

How it fits the brief: I know, I know, I sort of cheated with this one. This isn’t a full length novel, but I wanted to be sure it was something I could finish quickly and the story made it worth while.

Lucky to Have You: Read a book you picked up at a library sale or thrift store.

Monster Foundling by D.M. Cornish

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This middle school book was the only book I’ve ever read where the sheer amount of world building was over whelming. I love fantasy worlds, but when you’re struggling to make sense of a sentence because of the made up words, it’s just too much. My Review Page Count: 448

How it fits the brief: I bought this book from Oxfam which is a terrific charity geared towards aiding the world’s poverty. Please consider donating to their cause here.

Girl Power: Read a book about feminism or written by a feminist.

Purple.png The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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This is one of those books that everyone should read once. It’s got some terribly disturbing scenes of racism and abuse, but it’s about empowerment and finding happiness. My Review Page Count: 308

How it fits the brief: Alice Walker is an advocate for feminism, she coined the term “womanist” to mean “A black feminist or feminist of color”. The book itself also carries a strong message of female freedom.

Life is a Highway: Read a book that features a road trip.

Wheel The Brotherhood of the Wheel by R.S. Belcher

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Super slow starter, but this turned out to be a decent little book with a host of creepy urban legends. The ending was great, I just wish it hadn’t taken so long to get there. My Review Page Count: 384

How it fits the brief: I hate road trip books. I was trying to find something a little different. This takes place on a road and they go from place to place, that’s a road trip, right? Right?

Time of Our Lives: Read a book in which the characters go on an adventure.

Bride The Princess Bride by William Goldman


I loved this. This is a perfect book. It’s equal parts funny, love story and adventure. I enjoyed the way the whole book was written. I can’t praise it enough, everyone should read it. My Review Page Count: 336

How it fits the brief: Pirates, royals, mountains, quicksand, beasts, magic, giants, death, assassins and torture! How much more of an adventure could one book be?

Memories: Read a book that you bought while you were on vacation.

Mermaid The Mermaid by Christina Henry


I loved every second of this book. What a perfect way to finish off the challenge. Amelia, the mermaid, was wonderfully written, but it was Levi that stood out for me. Such a brilliant character. My Review Page Count: 321

How it fits the brief: I don’t actually vacation very often and didn’t have any planned for this year, at all. So, for the interests of honesty, I actually bought this book on a day trip I had planned. Close enough though, right?

Monthly Page Count Total :     2342

Any Month tick

This section is designed to stretch your comfort zones.

Won’t Be Long: Read a collection of short stories or essays.

Sleep Some Will Not Sleep by Adam L.G. Nevill

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I really, really enjoyed ‘Where Angels Come In’ and ‘The Ancestors’. With all anthologies, some are good and some are not so great. You take the rough with the smooth with short stories. My Review Page Count: 250

How if fits the brief: This is a horror anthology of eleven collected short stories. I’ve actually been meaning to read it for a while now, and I’m glad I finally got around to it.

Poet at Heart: Read a book of poetry.

Beasts Dirty Beasts by Roald Dahl

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Roald Dahl was one of my favourite storytellers growing up, and it was great to revisit some of his work with these poems. Sometimes it’s nice to read something that rhymes! It’s fun and always a pleasure to read this book. My Review Page Count: 32

How it fits the brief: This is a wonderful little book of nine poems written by a master of children’s imagery, and illustrated by the glorious Quentin Blake whose work is synonymous with Dahl’s own.

You Have a Lovely Accent: Read a book that was translated from another language.

Night If on a Winter’s Night a Traveller by Italo Calvino

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This is a book written in the second person. It’s about a lot of unfinished stories leading You and Ludmilla into a loving relationship. I can’t say it worked for me. I hate unfinished endings and this book was just baffling. Maybe I missed something? My Review Page Count: 274

How it fits the brief: Written in Italian by Italo Calvino, and translated into English by the American William Weaver.

Read the World: Read a book that takes place in a country — or focuses on a culture — other than your own.

Veggie The Vegetarian by Han Kang

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This book was weird. It was written in three sections, but the first section was great. The other two were like they were written by someone completely different. It’s about a girl who wants to become a tree. My Review Page Count: 160

How it fits the brief: This book takes place in South Korea and includes a lot of information about daily life in the country. It’s interesting how much we have in common, and how jarring some of the differences can be.

Diversify Yourself: Read a book by an author of color.

Belles The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton


This is a fabulous book. Don’t let all the beauty tips and lavish dresses dissuade you. It’s full of court intrigue in a richly decorated fantasy setting. There are some very dark elements in this story. I highly recommend it. My Review Page Count: 448

How it fits the brief: Dhonielle Clayton is an ‘author of color’, but I’d just like to mention that I don’t like this brief, at all. Authors should not be judged or picked by the color of their skin. A book should speak for itself. I don’t consider the need to ‘diversify myself’, as I already have several favorite colored authors, or as I like to call them ‘authors’.

My, What Big Teeth You Have: Read a book that puts a spin on a well-known fairy tale.

Cinder Cinder by Marissa Meyer

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This is about a cyborg girl. It’s not too bad, but I found it very obvious. When I got over the fact that I knew what was coming, it turned out to be a decent enough story. The main character, Cinder, was relatable and likable. My Review Page Count: 404

How it fits the brief: This is very loosely based on the fairy tale ‘Cinderella’ or ‘The Little Glass Slipper’. It features all the important bits like a wicked Step-mother, shoes, a ball, a Prince. Even a pumpkin… sort of.

High Noon: Read a classic or contemporary Western.

Wake.png Wake of Vultures by Lila Bowen


Well. This has now made the list as one of my all time favourite books. It’s a perfect mix of a book. Western/Fantasy. Black/White. Boy/Girl. Gay/Straight. I cannot praise this book, and it’s author enough. Read it right now! My Review Page Count: 368

How it fits the brief: Aside from all the monsters gracing it’s pages, this a western in every respect. Dust, horses, grit and guns. It was perfection.

The Future is Bright: Read a book that takes place in the future.

Unwind.png Unwind by Neal Shusterman

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I really enjoyed this book. There are a lot of very sensitive issues tackled head on, but the story line is still very original and well written. This is a book that makes you question your beliefs. My Review Page Count: 352

How it fits the brief: It’s set some time in the not too distant future after the Second Civil War was fought by the pro-life and pro-choice forces.

The Book is Always Better: Read a book that is becoming a movie this year.

Jeff.png Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

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I think I missed the point on this one. It’s not a bad book, but it’s a huge block of text with next to no dialogue. I didn’t connect with any characters and thought the story wasn’t as rewarding as it could have been. My Review Page Count: 209

How it fits the brief: Annihilation the movie was released February and March 2018 in the USA and UK respectively. I’d recommend the film more than the book, even though I haven’t seen it yet.

TBRing It: Read a book from the bottom of your TBR pile.

Dark Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

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Blake Crouch is always a real treat to read. This is no exception. Even though you sort of know what’s coming, the story is magnificent. I loved every second and read the whole thing in one sitting. My Review Page Count: 352

How it fits the brief: I bought this one a while ago and have been waiting for the right time to read it. I’ve had it recommended to me a lot just recently, so I thought it would be perfect for this challenge.

Unshelve It: Read a book that’s been sitting on your Goodreads shelves for a while.

Method.png The Method by Shannon Kirk

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This isn’t really what I was expecting, but it was a very interesting read. I found that the book relied far too heavily on coincidence to solve its plot, but the story itself was enjoyable. I found it too unbelievable for serious literature, though. My Result Page Count: 245

How it fits the brief: I don’t actually keep books to-be-read on my Goodreads shelves, preferring to keep my shelves uncluttered. This has been on my Amazon Wishlist for a while, though.

Childhood Reboot: Read a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure novel.

ladys.png My Lady’s Choosing by Kitty Curran

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I had great fun with this book. It is most definitely NOT for children, despite the fun and funky looking cover. There are some seriously steamy sex scenes to unfold within these pages. My Review Page Count: 352

How it fits the brief: This is definitely a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book to be reckoned with, in fact I was astounded at just how many different choices you could make.

Listen to Me: Listen to an audiobook.

Venus Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Wasoch

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I enjoyed this well enough, but why do these things always have to have such unsatisfactory endings? I feel bad for Severin, all he wanted was someone to worship utterly. My Review Page Count: 122

How it fits the brief: I downloaded this for free from Librivox. I’m not a fan of audiobooks, so it seemed sensible to get it free. It was read beautifully by featherheadfop and Jc Guan.

Additional Page Count Total :    3568

I did it! I’m so very pleased with myself. Thank you all for keeping me company on this incredible three month journey. I’ve never read so much in such a short space of time. I’ve loved doing it, though.

True story: As soon as I’d finished the last book, my friend said to me, “What are you going to do now?” I promptly replied, “I’m going to read!”

Total Pages Read on this Challenge:   12780

As always, Happy Reading!
