September 2019 Reading List

!!!Spoiler Warning!!! If you haven’t read any of these books yet, don’t read my villain ratings. I give away some key spoilers!

Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle, #3)

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff was my favourite book of the month!

September – 2019

Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1) Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim


Thoughts: This was a great book. The first part is very much like Project Runway/Mulan, which is how it’s marketed, but the latter part of the book is more like a fairy tale with it’s trials and magic. I’m looking forward to the sequel. Page Count: 392

Villain Rating: Bandur has to be the main villain of the book here. He’s a sorcerer that became a demon and has been bound as the guardian of a tower. He’s only interested in securing his freedom and is happy to ruin Maia and Edan’s lives to do it. He used to be Edan’s teacher, but there’s no sentiment between them now. 5/10

Best Quote in the Book: It is an illusion to assume we choose whom we love.

Gideon the Ninth (The Ninth House, #1) Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


Thoughts: Wow. I am stunned. I thought this book was going to be a space romp with necromancy. Instead, I was treated to an incredible book with strong horror elements, and a heroine to die for. I just adored this book and can’t wait for the sequel to come out already! I need it! Page Count: 448

Villain Rating: MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT!!! This is basically a whodunnit to the extreme and it kept me guessing to the very end. It turns out the villain is none other than Cytherea—a Lyctor of the Emperor’s—masquerading as Dulcinea! This lady is powerful, horrifying and intelligent. She’s got plans everywhere and doesn’t hesitate to kill in the most gruesome ways possible. She was wonderful. 10/10

Best Quote in the Book: If you do not find yourself a galaxy, it is not so bad to find yourself a star.

The Merciful Crow (The Merciful Crow, #1) The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen


Thoughts: This wasn’t quite what I expected, but I think I enjoyed it more than I thought I was going to. Fie is an awesome character, but, oh boy, did I hate that stuck up prince! There were a few far-fetched bits, but on the whole it was a good book. I’ll be reading the sequel. Page Count: 384

Villain Rating: I don’t think it will be a huge surprise to anyone that the queen is the main baddie here. She’s accused of killing the Prince’s mother, orchestrating the future death of the king, and trying to repeatedly assassinate the Prince. She sends hunters and spooky, horrible skin people after then, and she’s been lying about the fact that she’s a witch! She’s clearly bad news. What a shame we only get to meet her at the very beginning of the book. I wanted more! 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: I can do something better with my life than die.

Darkdawn (The Nevernight Chronicle, #3) Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff


Thoughts: Oh, my god! Well played, Mister Kristoff, well played. I have wept buckets over this book. I mean, serious, dehydration was going on here. I’ve just this minute finished and I have the biggest fucking headache. It’s utterly amazing, though. God, I’m going to miss this series. Page Count: 512

Villain Rating: None other than that evil cur Julius Scaeva is the villain here, and what a bad guy he proved to be. He’s incredible. He’s clever, ruthless, willing to do what no one else will, and powerful to boot. He can’t be faulted. He’s a perfect villain. I hated him with everything I had. 10/10

Best Quotes in the Book: Would you rather have books written about you, or live long enough to read books about others, gentlefriends? and They fucked like war.

How to Train Your Dragon (How to Train Your Dragon, #1) How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: This was a cute and exciting book for kids. I don’t actually have children, but I’ve been meaning to read this series for ages, and age is just a number, right? There’s no upper age limit on a good book, is there? I loved the animated series (not so much the last film), so I just needed to read this! Page Count: 227

Villain Rating: The Green Death, which is a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus is the baddie. He washes ashore Hiccup’s island during a storm and decides that he’s going to get around to eating all the vikings after he’s had a nap. He’s not really evil, just a big old dragon that fancies a snack. He more philosophical than anything. 3/10

Best Quotes in the Book: There were dragons when I was a boy. and There may yet come a time when Heroes are needed once more.

How To Be A Pirate (How To Train Your Dragon, #2) How To Be a Pirate by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: I’ve got to admit, a little kid would probably adore these books. I’m actually having quite a good time reading them myself.Oh, and pirates make everything better. Seriously though, it’s kind of hilarious how they got big screen Hiccup from the kid in these books. Page Count: 225

Villain Rating: Okay, okay, I admit it. Alvin the Treacherous is a pretty cool villain. He starts out pretending to be a good guy and tricking Stoick into hunting for some long lost treasure, then he turns evil and tries to sell the entire tribe into slavery, except for Stoick and Hiccup who he decides to EAT! Can’t get much more treacherous than that! 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: Woden preserve me from the terminally stupid.

How to Speak Dragonese (How to Train Your Dragon, #3) How To Speak Dragonese by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: This series just keeps getting better and better. Of course, I know they’re written for kids, but it’s still fun to see Hiccup put his clever plans together. They’re equal parts good story telling and humor. Plus, they’re so quick to read, which is also a bonus sometimes. Page Count: 256

Villain Rating: I was going to say Alvin again, but for difference sake I’m going to go with the Fat Consul. This guy is so heavily overweight that he needs a slave to hold up his humongous belly. It’s still quite a funny image to imagine. He’s a bad guy because he eats nanodragons alive as snacks, and is quite happy to condemn Hiccup and his friends to death in a Roman arena. His casual evil makes him all the worse. 6/10

Best Quotes in the Book: ‘I,’ squeaked the tiny creature grandly, ‘am the Centre of the Universe.’ and The winds will still blow when I am no longer here. The storms will still rage, and the forces of Empire and oppression, be they Roman or otherwise, will still be waiting at the corners of the ocean.

How to Cheat A Dragon's Curse (How to Train Your Dragon, #4) How To Cheat a Dragon’s Curse by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: I’m a huge fan of the final few pages in each of these books, in which an old Hiccup writes a few pages. While I’m very much enjoying myself, those last few pages are what keeps me coming back. Page Count: 241

Villain Rating: The main villain here is Norbert the Nutjob, the chief of the Hysteric tribe. Although, he’s clearly the one trying to kill Hiccup in this book, it must be mentioned that Hiccup is actually the one who instigates it all. He shoots Norbert with an arrow and then invades his tribe on a festival day to steal their treasured potato. Norbert is only trying to defend himself. 1/10

Best Quote in the Book: You do not have to accept the hand that Fate has dealt you.

How to Twist a Dragon's Tale (How to Train Your Dragon, #5) How To Twist a Dragon’s Tale by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: There are some real hard hitting bits in between these children’s pages. A true love that couldn’t be because of the lies of a villain. An unrequited romance that is mourned over for a lifetime. It’s really quite sad. Oh, and a pet dragon dies in this one, come on! Page Count: 256

Villain Rating: Has to be Alvin the Treacherous again. Turns out, he’s not just Hiccup’s villain, he’s been being a asshole from way before Hiccup arrived on the scene. He was supposed to deliver a gem to a woman this Hero was in love with, instead he told her that he was dead and thwarted their budding romance before it could bloom. How evil is that? 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: The past in another land and we cannot go to visit. So, if I say there were dragons and men rode upon their backs, who alive has been there and can tell me I am wrong?

A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons (How to Train Your Dragon, #6) A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: This one was a bit on the disappointing side. The main story was still good, but it was so short! It was much shorter than the other books, and a lot of the space was just filler material such as dragon species and extra conversations with Toothless. The story was too short. Page Count: 201

Villain Rating: Gotta love the villain on this one, though. The Hairy Scary Librarian was tremendously good fun to read about. He’s this really old guy with a super long beard that runs the Library. He doesn’t agree that anyone should be taking the books, so kills them when they try to. He’s very sinister and creepy, and an excellent swordsman. He really tries to kill Hiccup and Co. for taking a book. 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: “Wow…” breathed Hiccup, “if you stayed here long enough you really could fins out the answer to Everything…” [about the Library]

How To Ride A Dragon's Storm (How to Train Your Dragon, #7) How To Ride A Dragon’s Storm by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: Now this is what I’m talking about! The story is getting a lot more in depth as the series goes on. I mean, it’s still for kids, but there’s a whole lot more at steak now. The stories are fuller and have more about them. I’m actually investing in seeing how everything turns out, which is a great thing for a series. Page Count: 254

Villain Rating: Norbert the Nutjob makes another appearance here. He’s sort of working for/with another villain, but Norbert is the one we see the most of. He proves himself to be quite smart—he has some amazing inventions—, but utterly ruthless and willing to kill just for the sake of it. He’s a slaver, so you know he’s evil. 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: Glory comes not to the weak.

How to Break a Dragon's Heart (How to Train Your Dragon, #8) How To Break A Dragon’s Heart by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: Now we’re getting towards the latter parts of the series things are getting satisfyingly intricate. There are lots of references to things that have happened in previous books, and a real sense of everything starting to come together. There’s also some nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat stuff in here, too! Page Count: 320

Villain Rating: The unnamed Chief of the Berserk tribe is who I’m naming the villain. He runs his band of crazy people ruthlessly, and thinks nothing about human sacrifices. He intends to have Hiccup, along with a few more people sacrificed and eaten by a huge dragon. He also imprisons people inside trees to just die there. It’s creepy stuff. 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: “I would say, I’ll meet you in Valhalla,” replied Hiccup through gritted teeth. “But I don’t think you’ll be going there.”

How to Steal a Dragon's Sword (How to Train Your Dragon, #9) How To Steal A Dragon’s Sword by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: Oh boy, it’s getting really exciting now! So much that’s happened in previous books has suddenly become so important now that we’re nearly at the end. I’m completely invested now. I can’t believe how very different this series is from the movies and TV series. Page Count: 384

Villain Rating: Excellinor the witch, Alvin’s mother, is the villainess of this story. She’s so frikkin’ creepy! I mean, there are these pictures of her in the book and they honestly look like something out of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. She’s pure evil. She doesn’t even care about her son, just the power she’d gain by him being King. 8/10

Best Quote in the Book: Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in, even against those you love, and that can be harder than you think.

How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel (How to Train Your Dragon, #10) How To Seize A Dragon’s Jewel by Cressida Cowell


Thoughts: You know what? I’m just going to come out and say it. This one made me cry a little. Now, it doesn’t take a lot to make me cry where books are concerned. Seriously, I cry at pretty much anything, but that’s still an amazing achievement for a children’s book. If you’re interested, it was the bit in which Fishlegs finds out something important. Page Count: 407

Villain Rating: Well, this one is difficult. There are so many villains to choose from at this point in the book. But, although he doesn’t stay a villain for long, I’m going to choose the Deadly Shadow dragon. This huge, three-headed dragon can blend with it’s environment so completely that it seems to turn invisible. It also shoots lightning. How cool is that? It hates humans because of something terrible in the past, but that’s pretty understandable, right? Scary, but good at heart. 2/10

Best Quote in the Book: Sometimes the bravest thing a Hero has to do is not fighting monsters and cheating death and witches. It is facing the consequences of his own actions. and I do not know what moral you can take from this apart from one: they carried on, even though all hope was lost.



Page Count Total :             4507

If you have any suggestions for books I could read, please contact me at Goodreads!

Let me know if you disagree/agree with any of my reviews, or just share with me what you’re reading! I check my mail every day so I’ll always respond quickly!

As always, Happy Reading!


Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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