The ABC Book Challenge—V

ABC Blocks

I saw this wonderful challenge on Becky’s Book Blog! and I couldn’t resist giving it a go for myself. I’m not sure where the challenge originated, but if anyone knows, please contact me at Goodreads so I can give credit!

The challenge is basically to make a post for a different letter of the alphabet every week, discussing what books I’ve read, have been memorable, or I am looking forward to. Pretty simple stuff, but sounds like fun!

Letter V in cement

Favourite Books I’ve Read

VoxVenus in Furs

Vox by Christina Dalcher

This book is set in a version of America where women are limited to 100 words a day or less. They are no longer allowed to hold jobs, or read, or speak. Even female children are fitted with a device that gives them an increasingly high electrical shock for every extra word spoken. Our main character, Jean, is firmly against this sort of gender abuse and wants to put a stop to it.

Not as good as The Handmaid’s Tale, but in a similar vein.

This gets a middle of the fence 5/10. I just had trouble getting into it.

Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

The main character of this book is Severin von Kusiemski, who falls madly in love with the cruel romantic attentions of Wanda von Dunajew. Severin tries to make sense of his unusual feelings for the often aloof Wanda, and she both leads him on and pushes him back. It was considered quite a risque book when it was published in 1870, now it’s just a strange little tale.

Thanks to this book, the author gave his name to masochism! That’s pretty cool!

Certainly not as risky as it was in 1870, but still quite interesting. 5/10.

Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading

Vicious (Villains, #1) Vengeful (Villains, #2) Vampire Knight, Vol. 1 (Vampire Knight, #1) Valkyrie Rising (Valkyrie, #1) V for VendettaVampire Academy (Vampire Academy #1)

Well, there’s my V list! I hope you see a few books that might interest you, and if you’ve read any of the ones I’m looking forward to, let me know you thoughts here, but no spoilers, please!

Happy Reading,


Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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