Fairy Loot Unboxing — March 2019

!!!Spoiler Warning!!! If you haven’t received the Favourites — March 2019 Fairy Loot box yet turn back now!


Fairy Loot is a monthly subscription box that delivers a Young Adult Fantasy book—sometimes with exclusive coverssprayed edges and/or signed by the author—directly to your door! Along with the book will be 5-6 bookish items that range from things like candles and bath bombs, to mugs and cushion covers.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, I highly suggest you visit their website and begin your Fairy Loot adventure!

I will be writing about the things I receive every month, including my opinions on the items and a full length book review with villain rating for the included book.

March 2019 – Favourites

08 March 2019.JPG


Favourites Artwork and Matching Bookmark

Two Bookish Character Tarot Cards This month the characters were Jesper as Wheel of Fortune and Wylan as The Fool from Six of Crows.

Colourful Scarf by Cara Kozik. This scarf is beautiful. It’s designed to look like a few shelves of a bookcase and has everyone’s favourite books on it! I guarantee you’ve read or heard of all the books here! I love a scarf, and I’ll be wearing this all summer! It’s really amazing.

Bookish Socks by FairyLoot. These are Alice in Wonderland inspired socks! They’re black and white and have the opening few sentences of the book printed on them in huge letters. I imagine once they’re stretched over feet the writing will be illegible, but they’re still pretty cute and one can never have too many socks!

Bookworm Page Tabs by FairyLoot. These are such an amazing idea! This is a set of six mini post-it-note stacks for marking places in your books. They read—Humour, Romance, Plot Point, Quote, Heartwarming and Issues. For anyone who does reviews, or just likes to make notes, these are a godsend!

Metal Bookmark by KDP Letters. This is a cute, miniature gold bookmark with a blue tassel. It’s embossed with a picture of a jar and the quote—I turned my nightmares into fireflies & caught them in a jar—from Laini Taylor. I’ve never seen a metal bookmark this size before, and I can only imagine how easy it it to lose. I’m terrible at losing my bookmarks. It does look gorgeous, though.

FairyLoot Anniversary Enamel Pin by FairyLoot. This is a cute item to have. It’s a basic circular pin badge in purple with the FairyLoot logo on it in black. It’ll look nice on my pin banner, but honestly, who’s going to wear this out? It just seems pretty promotional to me. I still kind of like it, though. I can’t deny the FairyLoot logo is awesome.

3 Stunning Art Prints by @morgana0anagrom. These prints are amazing. What an incredibly talented artist. They feature—Warcross by Marie Lu, The Cruel Prince by Holly Black and An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. I’ve read all of them!

Sherwood Promotional Poster. This is an advertisement poster with an excerpt on the reverse for Sherwood by Meagan Spooner. I’ve been looking forward to this, so it’s cool to get a poster!

Book of the Month:

To Best The Boys

To Best the Boys

Mary Weber

Details: The book is signed by the author! This hardback book has gorgeous greeny-grey sprayed edges (sorry, I’m not great at describing colours, but they look really nice)! There are 352 pages and the story is about a girl who wants to win a place in an all boys school by beating a labyrinth! Included in the bag with the book was a personal letter from Mary, a bookmark, and an exclusive artwork!


My Review is now up!

Why not join in with the Fairy Loot Readalong?

Villain Rating:

I’m going to be picking Vincent as my main villain for this book. Originally, I thought I was going to end up with Germaine, who—let’s face it—is a complete jerk throughout the whole book. But, in retrospect, other than a lot of big talk and not assisting him “friends” when they were in trouble, Germaine didn’t actually do anything wrong. He even suffered at the hands of Vincent!

Vincent is a fantastic baddie! He’s responsible for so much hardship and pain in Rhen’s life, but he’s still pursuing her romantically. It’s like he honestly doesn’t care what he’s done. He’s willing to marry Rhen, knowing that if she ever found out the truth, she’d hate him. But he does it anyway. He’s also guilty of attempted murder in the labyrinth which he does in front of witnesses and without remorse. He’s only interested in furthering his career options. I thought he was amazing. 9/10

Second Book:



Bex Hogan

Details: This additional book is also signed by the author and has an exclusive cover—it’s brown instead of blue, and looks epic! There are 336 pages in this paperback edition. The story is about a girl who was raised to protect some islands, but her father stands in her way. I’m looking so forward to this one!

Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate of Fairy Loot or any of their suppliers. All of the opinions on this page are my own. If any of the links or credits are not correct, please contact me as soon as you can so I can make any amendments. Thank you so much to Fairy Loot for putting together such an awesome box!

Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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