The ABC Book Challenge—F

ABC Blocks

I saw this wonderful challenge on Becky’s Book Blog! and I couldn’t resist giving it a go for myself. I’m not sure where the challenge originated, but if anyone knows, please contact me at Goodreads so I can give credit!

The challenge is basically to make a post for a different letter of the alphabet every week, discussing what books I’ve read, have been memorable, or I am looking forward to. Pretty simple stuff, but sounds like fun!

Letter F in tile

Favourite Books I’ve Read

Four Past MidnightFrankensteinFrom a Buick 8Follow You HomeFire & Heist

Four Past Midnight by Stephen King

I can never resist a good horror story, and this set of four novellas has one of my absolute favourites—The Langoliers. I really love this collection and my personal copy is so dogeared that the pages are falling out! If you like horror stories, or have read and loved King before, this book is a must for your collection.

If you’re not a short story fan, these novellas should still be long enough to enthrall you!

10/10 for The Langoliers alone.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This is a wonderful book. It’s not really horrifying so much as sad. This man has been created from body parts in a lab and now he’s out there in the world scaring people right left and center, but all he really wants is acceptance. He never asked to be made. It’s a story about standing on the outside and looking in.

Frankenstein is actually the name of the doctor, not the monster.

A perfect 10/10 for this classic!

From a Buick 8 by Stephen King

Another pick by Stephen King making the list! This book is a testament to how good a writer King is. The entire basis for this novel is that a book doesn’t need to answer any questions. There is an old Buick in a shed. Sometimes weird things happen. That’s it. That’s the whole plot. There’s no explanation, no real plot, no true ending. But it’s still an amazing read!

Personally I think the Buick leads to Midworld, but I might be wrong.

An utterly amazing 10/10.

Follow You Home by Mark Edwards

There’s not much I can say about this psychological thriller without ruining the book entirely, and I really don’t want to do that. There are some very disturbing scenes in this book, and the plot is full of twists and turns that even I didn’t see coming. It’s brilliantly written.

I wish I could forget about this book so I could read it again.

10/10 for giving me serious chills.

Fire & Heist by Sarah Beth Durst

This is a young adult fantasy about were-dragons! How could that be anything but wonderful? The writing is a little middle grade, but the story is fun and lighthearted. There’s a great stream of humor from the main character, and some of the supporting cast are great fun.

I really, really didn’t like the boyfriend angle, though. This book didn’t need romance.

A nice, easy 7/10 here.

Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading

Fishbowl Flawed Ferryman  Foundryside (Founders, #1) Fawkes  Flowers in the Attic (Dollanganger, #1) Forging Hephaestus (Villains' Code #1) Fallen Angels Fever Flame in the Mist (Flame in the Mist, #1) Furyborn (Empirium, #1) Four Dead Queens

Well, there’s my F list! I hope you see a few books that might interest you, and if you’ve read any of the ones I’m looking forward to, let me know you thoughts here, but no spoilers, please!

Happy Reading,


Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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