The ABC Book Challenge—C

ABC Blocks

I saw this wonderful challenge on Becky’s Book Blog! and I couldn’t resist giving it a go for myself. I’m not sure where the challenge originated, but if anyone knows, please contact me at Goodreads so I can give credit!

The challenge is basically to make a post for a different letter of the alphabet every week, discussing what books I’ve read, have been memorable, or I am looking forward to. Pretty simple stuff, but sounds like fun!

Letter C in cement 2

Favourite Books I’ve Read

Codex SeraphinianusCrooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)Code Name VerityCatching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)Caraval (Caraval, #1)

Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini

This is more of an art piece than a book, but it’s stunning. The Codex is written in a nonsensical script that looks so real you want to try deciphering it. The picture throughout the book are what really sets this apart, though. They’re fantastic and fantastical, depicting another world that I’d love to explore. It’s a highly entertaining book.

If you like weird and wonderful, then this book is a must have!

10/10 for this treasure!

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

This is the second book in the Six of Crows series featuring Kaz Brekker and his gang on the mean streets of Ketterdam. I honestly think this book is better than the first one, but obviously you need to read the first to know what’s going on. It’s helpful to read the entire Grishaverse, too. I cannot praise this book enough, it’s clever, dark, funny and heartbreaking all at once.

I just can’t talk about Matthias right now. My heart.

This book, and indeed all of Leigh Bardugo’s books, get a strong 10/10!

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein

This is one of those books that I read for a Reading Challenge and didn’t expect to love as much as I did. If you’re not into book set during the Second World War, I’d still recommend you give this one a go. It’s phenomenally written, and really tugs at the heart. I’ve certainly never read anything like it.

It’s written as a series of letters between two girls during the war.

This book easily gets a 10/10.

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

The second book in The Hunger Games series. This is the series that really hooked me on Young Adult books. I know it’s a little old now, and if you’ve seen Battle Royale it’s probably nothing new either. But, Katniss is a great heroine whom I adore, and the stories are full of action and clever tricks. I loved all these books.

The second book is probably the weakest in the series, but still well worth reading.

An easy 8/10.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

This book is full of magic and mystery. It’s a beautiful book set deep within the lands of Caraval. This is another series that’s worth reading all the way to end. In fact, the last book in the series, Finale, will be released this year in May. I suggest reading them now to catch up in time to join the hype of its release.

I can never decide if I love Legend or Dante more. Let me know who’s your favourite!

A magical 8/10.

Books I’m Looking Forward to Reading

Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)   Caligula (The Damned Emperors #1)  Circe   Crazy House (Crazy House, #1)  Cuckoo Song     Catch Me If You Can: The True Story of a Real Fake   Court of Nightfall (The Nightfall Chronicles, #1)   Courting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology, #1)   Crimson Peak: The Official Movie Novelization

Well, there’s my C list! I hope you see a few books that might interest you, and if you’ve read any of the ones I’m looking forward to, let me know you thoughts here, but no spoilers, please!

Happy Reading,


Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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