
!!!Spoiler Warning!!! If you haven’t read this book yet, I give away some key spoilers!


Legendary (Caraval, #2)

by Stephanie Garber


Once a future is foretold, that future becomes a living thing and it will fight very hard to bring itself about.

This book was so much better than the first one in the series, and personally, I think it’s because Donatella is a much better character than Scarlett.
Scarlett was all goodness and light. She was shocked by everything, had a hard time standing up for herself, and didn’t do anything even slightly badass for the entirety of Caraval. Donatella is her polar opposite. She’s flirty and fun, but she’s also willing to go to any lengths to protect those she loves. She’s just an all round great character.

Tella was the sister who would destroy the world if anything happened to Scarlett, but Scarlett’s world would be destroyed if anything happened to Tella.

I really loved reading this book. There’s more magic, more mysteries and far more danger than we’ve ever seen in CaravalThis time it’s more than just a game.
There’s so much going on that it’s hard to keep track of it all. But, I think, my favourite element of this book has to be the Decks of Destiny. These are a wonderful addition that are so full of magic and potential. I just can’t wait to see where the Fates manage to take us in the next book, Finale.

He tasted like exquisite nightmares and stolen dreams, like the wings of fallen angels, and bottles of fresh moonlight.

Amidst all the fantastical settings, there’s a powerful story about growth and what you’d be willing to do for love. One of the things I adore about these books is how much each sister develops during the story. In Caraval, Scarlett went from nervous and dependent, to strong and self reliant. In Legendary Tella goes from a party girl with a selfish streak, to someone willing to sacrifice everything for others. There’s a real need to know what comes next with these books. Just as you’re finishing up a chapter for the night, something will happen and you just need to read a little more to see how it resolves itself.

Be warned, winning the game will come at a cost you will later regret.

If you liked Caraval, you’ll love this book. If you didn’t love Caraval, give Legendary a go anyway, it’s better than the former and well worth reading just for Jacks and Dante, if nothing else!

Not everyone gets a true ending. There are two types of endings because most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, where the situation feels hopeless. But that’s when hope is needed most. Only those who persevere can find their true ending.

Villain Rating

The delectable Prince of Hearts is my pick for villain in this book, or Jacks as he likes to be called. The mark of a truly outstanding bad guy is when they have you questioning if they’re really all that bad at all. Jacks is just like that. He’s cruel, manipulative, murderous and ambitious. He’s willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals and he doesn’t care who he has to kill to get there. But, isn’t he kinda cool, too? I mean, he does care about Donatella doesn’t he? Doesn’t he?

alice in wonderland dancing GIF

Jacks is witty, handsome, arrogant and cruel, he knows he’s a heartthrob and uses it all to his best advantage. He literally poisons Donatella with his kiss and manipulates her into doing what he desires, knowing that if he gets what he wants people are going to die. It must have been terrible to be trapped in a card for so long, though, maybe it’s no wonder he holds a little grudge, huh? I definitely can’t wait to see some more of him!  9/10


Happy Reading,


Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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