August 2018 Reading List

!!!Spoiler Warning!!! If you haven’t read any of these books yet, don’t read my villain ratings. I give away some key spoilers!

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Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo was my favourite book of the month!

August – 2018

Raven.png  The Raven Boys by Maggic Stiefvater

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Thoughts: I really enjoyed this one and will definitely be reading the rest of the series when I find some free time. At first it sounds like your typical rich boy/poor girl story, but it’s so much more that that. There’s so much depth. My Review Page Count: 468

Villain Rating: Barrington Whelk is a great bad guy. He’s basically Mr Crocker from The Fairly Oddparents. He’s young and ambitious, with a slight crazy streak that makes him fairly fun to read about. Unfortunately, I didn’t think we got enough of him in the book, but his backstory was incredible! 7/10

Best Quote in the Book: And then he said what he couldn’t say before. He asked, “Can I . . . can I press charges?”

Winter.png The Final Winter by Iain Rob Wright

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Thoughts: This one was very preachy for me. There were some good horror images, but overall I think the book spent too much time condemning humans for their sins. My Review Page Count: 253

Villain Rating: Nigel is the very embodiment of the phase, ‘Nobody suspects the butterfly’. He’s calm and nice for most of the book, but in the end he turns out to be a psycho killer. I liked the build up to his reveal, but aside from killing for pleasure, there’s no real motivation behind his evil. 4/10

Best Quote in the Book: “Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucifer, the Prince of Hell. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Ends Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean

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Thoughts: This is a really interesting book. I enjoyed being immersed in the folklore and legends of these bird catchers as they were trying to survive on the Stac. It reminded me of Lord of the Flies, except it’s based on a true story. My Review Page Count: 222

Villain Rating: The self appointed preacher of the group is Col Cane, he’s a gravedigger with high aspirations. He slow descent into madness is pivotal for the boys on the Stac. While he makes some vile decisions, his character is understandable for the time period and situation. He’s a terrible, certainly, but he’s mostly scared. 6/10

Best Quote in the Book: He had fed his friends with stories, and what good were stories to anyone? It had been like feeding glass to dogs.

Lord The Assassin and the Pirate Lord by Sarah J. Maas

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Thoughts: I really enjoyed this short story of high fantasy. It’s only a small book, but the story is beautifully fulfilling. I got a real sense of what the rest of the series is going to be like and I’ll definitely be reading the rest of the books. My Review Page Count: 70

Villain Rating: Rolfe is the Pirate Lord, he’s quick witted and good with a sword. I enjoyed some of his repartee, but didn’t manage to get a good enough feel for him with such a short story. I would like to learn more, though. 6/10

Best Quote in the Book: Death, at least, was quick. Especially when dealt by her hand. But slavery was unending suffering.

Monster Foundling by D.M. Cornish

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Thoughts: This middle school book was the only book I’ve ever read where the sheer amount of world building was over whelming. I love fantasy worlds, but when you’re struggling to make sense of a sentence because of the made up words, it’s just too much. My Review Page Count: 448

Villain Rating: Poundinch is the quintessential bad guy. He’s just in it for the money and then the revenge. There isn’t anything special written about him, he’s just the baddie. I was disappointed in him. 2/10

Best Quote of the Book: “Hearken to me, me lad! Not all monsters look like monsters, do ye get me? There are everyday folks who turn out to be th’ worst monsters of ‘em all!”

Purple.png The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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Thoughts: This is one of those books that everyone should read once. It’s got some terribly disturbing scenes of racism and abuse, but it’s about empowerment and finding happiness. My Review Page Count: 308

Villain Rating: Celie’s husband, Albert, is the one I’m calling the villain of this piece. I could have picked her “father”, but Albert—with his casual and long lasting abuse—is a more fitting choice. Albert is not dissimilar to many men of his era in the treatment of his wife, but his lack of a heart is unforgivable. 3/10

Best Quote of the Book: I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.

Wheel The Brotherhood of the Wheel by R.S. Belcher

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Thoughts: Super slow starter, but this turned out to be a decent little book with a host of creepy urban legends. The ending was great, I just wish it hadn’t taken so long to get there. My Review Page Count: 384

Villain Rating: Now this is what I’m talking about! The Pagan is a serial killer with a difference. He has the backing of an ancient god. Seriously spooky with his hosts of black eyed kids, hell hounds and sprouting antlers. The only thing this villain is missing is some kick-ass dialogue. Unfortunately all that went to Heck. 7/1

Best Quote in the Book: “The Albert Fish and Chips sounds good. I’ll think I’ll have that.”

Bride The Princess Bride by William Goldman


Thoughts: I loved this. This is a perfect book. It’s equal parts funny, love story and adventure. I enjoyed the way the whole book was written. I can’t praise it enough, everyone should read it. My Review Page Count: 336

Villain Rating: Prince Humperdinck is fabulous. He has a great name, a love of causing things pain and hunting, some phenomenal dialogue and super good looks. He’s just the absolute perfect villain. I loved everything about him and think Buttercup is a fall for choosing love over this perfect boy! 10/10

Best Quote in the Book: “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Mermaid The Mermaid by Christina Henry


Thoughts: I loved every second of this book. What a perfect way to finish off the challenge. Amelia, the mermaid, was wonderfully written, but it was Levi that stood out for me. Such a brilliant character. My Review Page Count: 321

Villain Rating: There’s a choice of who I could pick as the focal villain here, but I’m going to go with Barnum. In the pursuit of money he very nearly destroys so many lives. He is painted as a greedy, heartless and calculating showman. I enjoyed him immensely. 8/10

Best Quote of the Book: “She’s not human,” Barnum said. “You just saw that for yourself. What’s the difference between her and a tiger in a cage?”

Never Never Be Alone by Paige Dearth

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Thoughts: To be perfectly honest, I thought this book tried too hard. The dialogue was terrible, I don’t think anyone is situations like Joon would speak the way they do in this book. The story is one of intense suffering and I’m sure many people have gone through similar situations, but I just didn’t enjoy this one. My Review Page Count: 414

Villain Rating: Aron is the woman who adopts Joon. She’s a terrible woman and subjects the poor girl to a lot of suffering, including physical and mental abuse. She’s only in a small portion of the book, but her mental scars never leave Joon in peace. 3/10

Best Quote in the Book: “I’m afraid, Lulu.” “Of what?” “Of being alone,” she sobbed. “You’ll never be alone. You’re too easy to love.”

Kill To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

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Thoughts: I loved it! I thought the story was a little on the basic side—forbidden love and all that jazz, but it’s more about the characters and the worldbuilding. It’s a breathtaking book to get lost in and I can’t help but fall in love with Elian. My Review Page Count: 352

Villain Rating: Lira’s mother, the Sea Queen, is the villainess of this book. She’s marvelous and has a distinctly Ursula feel to her. She powerful and her main motivation is jealousy and the need for more power. She was ruthless and unforgiving and I thought she was great! 8/10

Best Quote in the Book: I give her a smile to start wars. Or maybe to end them.

King Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller

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Thoughts: This was fun. As long as you go into it for just a jolly romp along the high seas with a flutter of romance thrown in, you’ll be fine. Don’t expect any epic storytelling or worldbuilding though. It’s just a lighthearted bit of fun. My Review Page Count: 320

Villain Rating: Let’s go with Draxen for this one. There’s another choice I could make, but I get a feeling he’ll feature in the sequel, so we’ll stick with Draxen for now. He’s your typical pirate captain. He’s tough and rough, but not too bright. There really isn’t a lot of character to him. 2/10

Best Quote of the Book: “Pain goes away eventually,” he says. “Death is permanent.”

Shadow Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

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Thoughts: Utterly magical. I love the worlds that Bardugo creates and the Grishaverse is no different. The story is enthralling and the characters are full of depth and realistic. The juxtaposition of the fairy tale feeling with the nightmare realities of these books is very powerful. My Review Page Count: 369

Villain Rating: The Darkling is glorious. He’s full of wonderfully sinister intentions and has a clear and focused goal that he keeps to himself. The sprinkling of romance with Alina makes him all the more tantalizing. I can’t wait to see more of him. 10/10

Best Quote in the Book: “The problem with wanting,” he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, “is that it makes us weak.”

Siege Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo


Thoughts: I absolutely loved this one, it’s actually better than the first one! There are some perfect scenes, amazing dialogue and the fantastic addition of the dreamy Prince Nikolai. I’m in love. I can’t wait to start the next one! My Review Page Count: 401

Villain Rating: The Darkling is still the perfect villain, there just wasn’t enough of him. There are some extremely steamy bit with him, though, that sort of make up for his overall absence. 8/10

Best Quote of the Book: “I’m notoriously immune to tales of woe. So unless your story involves a talking dog, I don’t want to hear it.”

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3) Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo


Thoughts: I’m not gonna be okay. I knew the last book in the series was going to be emotional, but I was not prepared for the amount of tears I shed reading this book. I’m a big softie. I know that. But, still, this book was amazing! My Review Page Count: 369

Villain Rating: This is the last time I’ll be rating the Darkling and I’m going to miss him. He’s a perfect villain because of how much you fall in love with him. He’s got so much that’s easy to sympathize with. He’s a very tragic villain. 10/10

Best Quote of the Book: “I … I don’t understand half of what goes on around me. I don’t get jokes or sunsets or poetry, but I know metal.” His fingers flexed unconsciously as if he were physically grasping for words. “Beauty was your armour. Fragile stuff, all show. But what’s inside you? That’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable. And it doesn’t need fixing.” He drew in a deep breath then awkwardly stepped forward. He took her face in his hands and kissed her.

Image result for junji ito gyo book Gyo by Junji Ito

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Thoughts: This is a great doujinshi. I’ve been a fan of Junji Ito for a while now, but this is my first book of his. The pictures and stories contained within these pages are truly horrifying. This is terror at its best! Also, sharks with legs! My Review Page Count: 400

Villain Rating: There really isn’t a villain in this book. It’s an unexplained creature feature. There are some shadowy speculations that that whole thing could have been caused by some military war plot, but no evidence. Just critters, and machines. 1/10

Best Quote of the Book: Instead of the fish, now it’s my arm that’s walking!

These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch

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Thoughts: I was really disappointed with this one. I expected pirates and adventure and magic, but what I got was politics and a religious mania. It was dull for great sections, and even Devereux Bell, the notorious raider, couldn’t alleviate my boredom. The world building was great, though. My Review Page Count: 480

Villain Rating: Elazar was basically Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He’s a religious zealot who wants ultimate power for himself while condemning everyone else to the dungeons and the pyre. He evil for the sake of evil and that doesn’t sit well with me. 2/10

Best Quote of the Book: Would you love me if you knew what I believe?


Page Count Total :     5915

If you have any suggestions for books I could read, please contact me at Goodreads!

Let me know if you disagree/agree with any of my reviews, or just share with me what you’re reading! I check my mail every day so I’ll always respond quickly!

As always, Happy Reading!









Author: Claire

Hello, everyone! My name is Claire and, probably much like yourself, I'm an avid reader. I don't know about you, but I always end up finding the villain to be the most interesting and absorbing character in most books. Who can forget Captain Hook or Tom Riddle? How many of us would love to meet the Wicked Witch of the West? Or invite Hannibal Lecter over for dinner and a nice Chianti? I wanted to name my book blog something suitable and thus Love the Villain was born! I hope you enjoy reading through my book reviews and things, and don't hesitate to get in touch!

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